Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Master Bedroom Makeover - Selecting the Paint

Here we are, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are working from home, with nowhere to go at the moment, sheltering in place to stay safe until who knows when, and with too much time staring at the walls in our home, so . . . it's the perfect time to finally tackle the Master Bedroom makeover that I've been promising myself for years!!!

We had made a start last year, when we took out the hideous wall-to-wall carpeting and installed a wood floor in the room.  Click here to see that post.  I called on my dear friend, Fran, an interior designer, to help me navigate (and nudge me) through the myriad choices that needed to be made, from picking out paint color, to selecting the furniture.  The paint decision was hard.  Fran would have preferred a deeper shade of taupe, but I couldn't see myself with dark walls.  We finally compromised on Frappe by Benjamin Moore, I mean, nothing bad has ever happened to me while drinking a frappé . . .

There's my husband, who secretly thinks he's Spiderman.  He's forever terrifying me by climbing tall ladders, inside and outside the house.  Hire a contractor, you say?  Not in Spidey's world, no, sir . . .  

As always, and, especially being in the middle of the pandemic, there was no way to bring anyone in the house to help us move the furniture, so we painted the room in sections . . .

The painting is done, and granted, it doesn't look like much right now . . .

But this is only the beginning . . . 

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