Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Needing to, but not wanting to . . .

A new year has begun, full of possibilities, yet I am overcome with lassitude.  There are so many good lists out there, so many ways to make plans for the coming year . . . so many tools to assess where I've been . . . and where I'd like to go in the future . . .

Instead, I've spent the day listening to CNN drone on and on about the fiscal cliff . . . How can I deride our politicians for taking us to the edge, when I should be doing constructive things to improve my life, and yet I've chosen to blow the day doing nothing?  How am I any better than they?

I go back to work tomorrow, after being off since the 21st.  It's taken me this long to decompress, and now, I'm supposed to go back and pick up where I left off - the madness of deadlines and pressure, pressure, pressure . . .  In a week, I won't feel lethargic; I'll be too busy to think.  I'll be like one of those gerbils going round and round on a wheel, working so hard, but not really getting anywhere . . .

This bit of instrospection is going to have to be enough for now . . . The acknowledgment that there are things in my life that need to be reevaluated . . .  Hopefully, it won't take a metaphorical cliff to get me to act . . .


My 365 Project said...

Maybe a day of rest is a good way to start the new year :) I haven't accomplished much today either, in fact I have only done the few things that had to be done :)

Alycia Nichols said...

Give yourself a break, sweet Maria! You work SO hard all the time. You DESERVE a break. This is much like our elected officials who waste a ton of time and taxpayer $$$ arguing over stupid stuff for days on end when they should have been working to settle this issue (and many others!) long before it became a crisis. My Mom is a retired Senator, so I know of what I speak!!! :-) If you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and feel in your heart that you put in an honest days' work for an honest day's pay and that you give it your all not just at work but with the things that matter most like family and friends....then you're cool. Don't even trip! You're cool! There's also another way to look at this: I spent the day pulling down Christmas decor even though my husband - who is RARELY ever at home because he works such long, laborious hours - was right here. I should have been cuddling up with him and enjoying the fact that for once he was right here instead of miles away. On top of that, now my back and shoulders hurt like I've been in a back alley fight with Mike Tyson. That's NOT the way I wanna feel!!! You said it yourself: It took you a long time to decompress and now you have to go back to work tomorrow. Thank the Lord and hallelujah that A.) You DID decompress, B.) You had a wonderful Christmas, C.) The good Lord saw fit to let you see 2013, and D.) You have a job to go back to! :-) I'm not preachin' at you, sister. I'm just throwing some love and hugs your way to reassure you that taking some "me time" is in no way akin to that foolishness in our nation's capitol!!!! Have a great first day back at work, and Happy New Year!!!

Nicki said...

There never seems to be a balance - either in time or finance, and breaks from work never seem long enough. Sometimes a day of 'nothing' is in order.

I came to the conclusion that it took me more than one day to get all the decorations out, why do I expect to put it all away and clean everything up in one day. Not. Going. To. Happen. And that is okay!

I did enjoy the Rose Parade (my favorite parade each year).

Margaret said...

Good luck getting back into the swing of things! It's fun to come back to POTD and find lots of friends I haven't seen for a while. :)

Margie said...

Lol-I know what you mean! Seems to be a cliff every year, too, right ;-) ? As for resting instead of working, I have been doing a bit too much of that myself! Ready to get everything back into order!

Tracie said...

We all need a day off! Hope your first day back to work is a good one :)

pat said...

I am trying to find more balance in my life; I think that is something all of us seek each year. By the way--Love that cupcake shot tool!! May need to get one of those.

Barb said...

Happy New Year Maria! Some of our best days are just relaxing and doing nothing.

Susan Beth said...

What a wonderful tradition! I hope you get the rest you need!