Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve: One of these things is not like the others . . .

A Cuban New Year's Eve custom is to eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight for good luck in the coming year, one grape for each month.  The tradition comes from Spain, where, not only are twelve grapes consumed at midnight, but the purported rule is to swallow one every time the bell rings at each strike of the clock.  Here's a link that explains the tradition a little more:

This year, I prepared grape skewers to get ready for our New Year's celebration, but my husband felt he had the better idea of how to use the skewers . . . Maybe this is the start of a new tradition . . .

Happy New Year!  God bless us all!


Barb said...

How interesting! I never heard of that custom before. Maria, we wish you, the boys and Lee a Happy New year!


We do the grape thing too, my daughter and now grandgirls love this part, lol! Happy New Year again and Feliz Dia de Reyes Magos! I also would love you to visit me and comment on my giveaway for my 1 year of blogging...that's all you have to do. Thank you.
Lots of hugs,