Friday, December 14, 2018

Memories of Christmas Eve 2014

Regrets, I have a few, and occasionally they can be corrected . . . This is one of them.  I never posted our table on Christmas Eve 2015.  I know, it was eons ago, and we've all moved on.  But I'm seriously thinking of taking down the blog and there are some things I'd like to wrap up.  As I look back, I can't believe I forgot to post this table!  It was so pretty!  Well, if you'll indulge me, here are some pictures:

Ralph Lauren came to the rescue this year when I fell in love with the beautiful floral print in sage green with a splash of pomegranate red.  With a print like that, I didn't have to work very hard at adding other interesting elements to the table.

Maybe just a centerpiece with lots of white roses and a touch of silver.  White roses are among my favorites at any time of the year and they always seem to elevate any table dressing.

And napkins folded à la Fleur de Lis.  My Federal Platinum dishes calmed the table down and provided a little rest for the eyes.

That was as much effort as I was willing to put that year on the table because I was saving my energy for cooking and baking!

Here was the hit of the night:  Crab Cakes on a bed of homemade Sweet Tomato Jam, topped with Arugula lightly dressed in olive oil.  I was in Atlanta this year and I picked up the recipe from the hotel where I was staying.  I couldn't wait to try it out!  But most of my time was spent baking cookies!

Honey Pecan Butterballs and Magic Bars in the background . . .

Peanut butter blossoms . . .

Thumb print cookies . . .

Potato Chip Cookies . . .

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies . . .

I don't often bake these many cookies, there never seems to be enough time.  But 2015 was one for the cookie books!  

Here's the fam . . .  I never get tired of the yearly shot of us all around the dinner table.  My son David wasn't with us this year.  He was gone doing his Army thing and we sorely missed him.  But this year . . . everyone is coming home!  There's a lot of baking in store for me in the days to come.  I am a happy woman!

1 comment:

  1. First, HOORAY that the whole family will be together this year for Christmas!!! That's always such a blessing. I know you will be happy to spend time doing whatever it takes to make everyone feel at home for the holidays. If all the baking you did back in 2015 is any indication, I'd say a few belts will be loosened!!! I've never heard of potato chip cookies. Sounds like the perfect cookie for "that time of the month" when salty and sweet are on the menu!!! I'm glad you posted this table because it's so pretty and traditional. As much as I try to occasionally throw in something contemporary, I'm a sucker for the traditional...always!!! You're thinking of closing down your blog??!??!?!?!??!?!? No!!!!!!! But I get it. I've toyed with the idea myself. My priorities have been forced to change. Still, I like the idea of posting pics when I actually do something neat. I guess Pinterest and Instagram are the best alternative forums for that should I decide to call it a day on the blog. Whatever you decide to do, you know I wish you well. We've all got to do what makes us happy, keeps us safe (I should figure THAT ONE out!), and gives us peace of mind. Merry Christmas, and enjoy all that family and baking!!!!!!!!!


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