Monday, December 17, 2018

Sunday lunch

We are living through the month of excess.  Everywhere you go there are cookies and hot cocoa.  The office counters are groaning from food that vendors are sending in, or office party potlucks.  You need a will power of mighty proportions to resist all that.  So, at home, we go light:

A wedge salad.  Not a new invention but a rediscovered one:  Iceberg lettuce, crumbled hard-boiled eggs and bacon, and dotted with some blue cheese dressing.  It was light, delicious, and surprisingly filling.

Give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!!!! I just rediscovered the wedge salad in the last couple of years, and you’re SO is a light and delicious way to lunch! I could eat a wedge salad a couple of times a week!!! Controlling the amount of bleu cheese dressing on it is my problem, though. I want to swim in it!!!🤣 I don’t work outside the home, but I’m still not immune to the barrage of Christmas treats. Of the 8 houses on our cul-de-sac, ALL 8 exchanged treats this year!!!!!!!!!! Cookies, cakes, quick breads, savory snacks. Dizzying!!! I must admit I went overboard and contributed homemade cinnamon rolls to each household, so I’m guilty along with the rest!

    Merry Christmas, my sweet!!!!!!!!!! Take care and enjoy the wonders!


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