Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lavender Hearts

Romancing the home continues, with these darling lavender-filled sachets . . .

Because I keep them in various drawers, I had not realized just how many of them I had collected over the years!

They are now being displayed in the Guest Bedroom.  The scent is heavenly!

I never pass up an opportunity to display my hankies.  My husband bought me this one at Marshall Field's many years ago.  Click here to see a better picture of this lovely handkerchief, and the story of how I came to have it.  Marshall Field's . . . every other day I think of that store . . .

I'd love a basket like this for every room in the house!  How do you romance your home?


  1. Earlier this morning I got lost on your blog looking at all your hankie posts. I have old hankies too, some from my aunt (who was like a grandmother to me), some from my childhood, and even a few the edges of which I myself crocheted during my childhood when girls had to stay in and learn those skills. I just tried to give my daughter an old hankie to use as her "old and borrowed" wedding element, but these modern dresses don't have anywhere to put one! So, she used a ring of mine instead, with sapphires and diamonds. Sapphires for the blue and for the birthstone of both her and her husband--well that's the first time I wrote that word to describe him!! I love your hearts and I am a collector too. I am sure your lavender ones add a wonderful fragrance to your guest room. And I am also enjoying all your side bar hearts. Must explore some of those posts later too! Have a wonderful day and stay warm out there! Linda

  2. To know that Lee was perceptive enough to "get separated" from you in the store and make such a thoughtful gesture just warms my heart. Just when you least expect it, men come through with the sweetest, most galant ideas! I love it that he gave it to you on the sly rather than just saying, "You want it? I'll buy it for you." His way was so much more romantic! Keeps the lady of the house happy!!!

    Your sachets are really pretty. I'm going to assume you made them because they are so nice. It's good that you have them out where they can be seen and appreciated by all!

  3. I love your hankie lined basket of adorable cloth hearts!

  4. Oh our hearts are so beautiful. They are so pretty displayed all together. Thank you so much for your prayers for my granddaughter, Rea....Christine

  5. Your little heart sachets are some of the loveliest I've seen. Lavender filled makes them very special indeed. I think you have the right idea to group them in a bowl. This is a perfect way to romance one's home.
    Happy Valentine's Day.!

  6. Your basket of hearts is delightful such a lovely arrangement to welcome a guest into your home.
    I plan on returning to see more, bon weekend.

  7. The sachet hearts are lovely. We always kept lavender sachets tucked into our lingerie drawers when I was a kid. It was pleasant to open the drawer and have that lovely fragrance enveloping my nighties and slips. I stopped using them some years ago, perhaps it is time to make a few for around the house.

  8. What could be more romantic, than those adorable sachets?? I imagine that your house smells glorious! Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  9. Such a delightful way to display your treasures, and that beautiful hanky and your clever husband are definitely treasures. I can only imagine the scent of that basket in the guest room. Thank you for linking to my party.


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