Saturday, June 21, 2014

House Remodeling, House Guests and Worrying About David

The title of this post sums up the last two months at our house.  No sooner had David left for Basic Combat Training, we launched into a few house updates, including new siding for the exterior . . .

Here's a picture of the old one . . .
We are such wild people, going from light grey to white!

We also got rid of the "builder special" lights and got pretty new ones!

We were trying to get it all done before our guests arrived!  I hadn't seen my cousin Robert and his wife, Ely, since their wedding in 1970!  We had kept in touch over the years by phone and Christmas cards.  The visit was wonderful!  It was as though we did this all the time!

We played tourists on Lake Michigan.  Here they are with Navy Pier behind them, and the beautiful Chicago skyline . . .

And here's a picture of my son, David, "borrowed" from the FB page for their battalion (he's the one on the far left).  Boot Camp ain't what it used to be.  Imagine!  They have a Facebook page!  He looks well, but it seems I've found a new hobby:  Worrying about David.


  1. Maria, you have every reason to worry about David. That's your baby. It's natural that you would worry. I'd think there was something wrong with you if you didn't! I'm so glad, though, that they have a dedicated FB page so that you can see with your own eyes that he is OK. Times sure have changed a lot!

    I'm so glad you finally got a chance to see your cousin and his wife after all those years! Wow...what a fun time you guys must have had just reacquainting in person! Facebook and Instagram and all that stuff is one thing, but actually seeing, touching and hanging out together is something else altogether!

    Your house is lookin' good, girl! Really bold of you to go to white from that light grey! ;-) We converted to white from a brown color last year, and I absolutely love it!!! It makes the whole house look so much bigger!

    Have a great week ahead, and just remember that God will take care of David for you. I'll send up a prayer on your family's behalf for his continuous safety.

  2. Your house looks fabulous.. And believe me sometimes a subtle change is all that is needed for an update. So happy to have read your message on my blog, so glad you stopped by. I do miss the posting part, but with all the projects I've got going. I can't seem to stop and take pictures. I've worked heavily in our yard again this year, this time revamping the west side of the property. We've hosted a few functions, and this past weekend, the kitchen got another coat of paint. Paint is less problematic than the needed updating of the kitchen. Best wishes for David's well being. Bless him! xo marlis

  3. I can only imagine the worry that must fill vacant moments of every day. David is doing an honorable thing, but it is not without a price, a price to not only him, but his family. I will keep him in my prayers.

    Your house looks lovely - what I wouldn't give for siding versus the cedar we have on ours - ugh!

    Take care.

  4. The house looks really nice. I am so glad you got to connect with Robert and Ely.
    We were happy to hear David is doing well. It will be an adjustment for you And Lee but it gets better as time goes on.

  5. Hi Maria, We are having the wood portions of our house sanded and painted this summer--it is such a huge expense and pain and I'm thinking of my parent's siding and what low upkeep it is! Your house looks great. And so does your handsome son! I am sure you are constantly thinking of him. We will all add him and your family to our prayers. I have such great respect for young people who enlist to serve our country. Linda


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