Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Dinner with the bunnies

With my son, David, leaving to go into the Army in two weeks time, my head is too full of worry to leave room for a great deal of creativity.

Still, it was Easter, and we were together!  Two great things for which to be grateful!  So with this little pep talk to myself I went to the basement and started pulling things from the boxes.  There's Peter Rabbit!  Did I ever finish reading all the Beatrix Potter stories to David?

No wait, that's not Peter Rabbit.  And that egg belongs to John!

What am I doing?  They are too old for bunny ears, aren't they? 
What if they were a manly brown . . . ?
Perhaps if I used some tactical diversion . . . like carrot cupcakes . . .

 Topped with violas from the garden, which are completely edible . . .

And some lemon parfaits . . .

With lots of jelly beans tucked among the flowers . . .  They may be men now, but they still love sweets!

Brown eggs and woven mats evoke a garden setting anybunny would enjoy . . .

And an easy guy-pleasing menu of Baked Honey Ham, Rosemary Potatoes and Green Beans - An easy-peasy meal that left us plenty of time for playing board games! 

I hope the kids remember this dinner.  I hope they remember the bunny ears . . . I hope they remember how much we laughed.  May the Risen Christ bless us and watch over us all!  Alleluia!


  1. Maria - I can't begin to imagine what you are going through right now mentally and emotionally. Bless David for such an honorable endeavor. Your table and accessories are perfectly fit for a holiday and the meal looks delicious. Happy Easter to you and your lovely family.

  2. Your table for Easter is beautiful dear Maria! The centerpiece is gorgeous, filled with so much goodies and lovelies!
    Many blessings from the Lord for your son and do not fear, leave it to HIM to take care of your baby, as HE will do it!
    Bendiciones grandes para todos Uds. estas Pascuas amiga mia!

  3. Maria your table looks very cute but elegant at the same time. I especially like the rabbit ear shaped napkins.
    I know this is a difficult time for you but you have to think positive and leave everything in God's hands.

  4. Love your post....I'd be distracted by the yummy carrot cupcakes! God bless you and your family, thank you for your som's service.

  5. Hola, Maria. What a lovely table, and how fun it must've been to do those darling/manly napkins! I felt your pangs of [important] things undone in life's path when you wondered if you'd finished reading the Beatrix Potter books to the many important things to teach them! Somehow, thankfully, they DO get the messages and lessons and love.

    I'm looking forward to our being able to meet; keep me posted.

    David and all of you are in my prayers.

    Carinos, ~Zuni

  6. I remember that you said he'd be pulling out of there. It's been what...3 days now? Oh, geez. I'm just holding you close to my heart right now because I can only imagine what that rollercoaster of emotions is doing to your brain and body.

    They may be men, but they will always and forever be your boys. I'm sure they loved and will always love it when you make gestures like this to create something special that is filled with thought and love. Bunny ears and all!

    God bless you guys. Happy Mother's Day, Maria!

  7. I came back to wish you: UN HERMOSO DIA DE LA MADRE, para vos, y todas las Madres de tu familia!

  8. Maria, I don't even know what to say--my thoughts and prayers are with you. You are clearly great and loving parents with two wonderful sons to be proud of!! I will be thinking of you. Linda

  9. Maria, I have been thinking of you and hoping you are well and that your son is doing well in basic training. We all hope to hear from you soon! Linda


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