Saturday, January 1, 2011

Meditation: Not Om . . . but Hiss . . .

I love ironing.  I know, there aren't too many of us out there . . . (maybe there's a blog . . . ).  I use a Rowenta iron, which I've owned for close to 15 years.  I remember how guilty I felt when I bought it all those years ago . . . I think I paid over $100 for it, although now you can find it for considerably less.  It seemed like an outrageous amount of money to pay for an iron, even though I was ironing a lot of shirts every week while the boys were attending Catholic school . . . but I seem to have gotten my money's worth . . .

For me, ironing is a way to relax while still being productive . . . I love the smell of water vapor being released . . . And then, there's the hiss of the iron (set to maximum steam if possible) when it touches the damp fabric . . .  It's a multi-sensory experience!  Some people burn candles or incense when they meditate . . . I use my steam iron . . .

Our Laundry Room is small and does not allow enough space to be able to leave the ironing board unfolded and ready to go.  And, between the lack of convenience and my busy life, I end up taking a lot of stuff to the dry cleaners that I once ironed myself.  But I'm very particular about my tablecloths and napkins, and I haven't found a cleaners nearby that will press them to my satisfaction.  I mean, is it too much to ask that all napkin corners match when folded in half . . . ?

Or that they give me a crease down the middle of the tablecloth and that they fold the tablecloth in half the long way . . . ?  These dry cleaners insist on folding the tablecloth in half the short way, even when I specifically instruct them to crease it the other way . . . I've given up and just press them myself . . .

This is one of the tablecloths that we used on Christmas Eve . . . now nicely pressed and waiting for the next dinner party . . .

A beautiful tablescape begins here . . .


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with ironing. Perhaps if I brought back in the stool I could enjoy it more. I look forward to 2011 tablescapes. Hope you and yours had a delightful New Years Eve.

  2. I'm either lazy or sloppy because I just throw everything in the dryer when its wrinkled. I'll let you decide. Happy New Year!

  3. My Mother had the same expectations of her napkins and tableclothes. I can remember growing up we even ironed my Father's 'undershirts'.

    My younger sister loves to iron also. She lived w/me for several years and I got to observe this ironing ritual she would do. First - she would put something on TV that she enjoyed, then get a cup of tea or a glass of wine, then iron away.

    I love the finished product - I just don't share the enjoyment from doing it.


  4. Ask Lee if he remembers our mother's "mangler", where large items were fed into this monster machine to press them flat. Myself, I really like to steam clothes with a hand steamer. But I like to have a great book on tape to listen to while I do it, and I'm really fond of the humidity added to our bone-dry air during the winter.

  5. I adore your table settings. They are Awesome. It is nice that you have something you can do and relax with. I have an iron I just don't know if I could find it if I needed it.

  6. Happy New Year Maria,

    I enjoy and relax with ironing. I also have to sit while doing it. I am probably not as particular as you are with my napkins and etc. :)

  7. Hey, Maria - I think the photography themes on 2Peas is being compiled by Jamie in her thread asking for theme suggestions. The first one is "beginnings" if I'm not mistaken.

    Oh my gosh - I'm with Laurie about having to iron undershirts - we used to have to iron our dad's work uniforms too. And my grandmother had one of those wash machines where you cranked the clothes through the rods to strain the water out, and I guess take wrinkles out too. I was always afraid my arm would go through - probably because that is what my grandmother warned me against to keep me away from the machine. (kinda like "you'll shoot your eye out" type of warning)

    sorry, got side-tracked. Check out Jamie's green thread on 2Peas.

  8. I don't love ironing, lol, probably because I put it off until the last possible minute!! Great job capturing a bit of everyday life!


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