Monday, January 3, 2011

Marital Discord: Two Obsessive-Compulsive Neurotics Sharing Living Quarters

I walked in the house tonight and found this on the kitchen table . . .

I won't keep you in suspense:  This salt-shaker-looking thing is a computer speaker . . . a used, 6 or 7-year-old speaker that my husband brought home from work . . . because they were throwing it out!  Mind you, he didn't bring it home because he found it interesting-looking.  Nope.  My husband, bless his heart, is all about function.  Robert M. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance) might have said that my DH sees the classic beauty of the object, not the romantic.  He also didn't bring it home because he needed it.  As a matter of fact, he has a new set of speakers that came with the new computer he got for Christmas.  He brought it home because he has a pack-rat compulsion to bring home electronic "things" which even if he can't use immediately, he can save for that rainy day when China stops manufacturing them . . .

I fully realize that we all have our little quirks, and one of mine is trying to keep junk from finding a spot in the house and marking its turf . . . and I can be quite obsessive about it . . . but we just spent Sunday cleaning out part of the basement and organizing the Laundry Room and the pantry . . . I couldn't believe that after all that work he'd bring home . . . more junk?  So soon????  Arrgh!!!

By the way, I read this post to him before I published it . . . he just laughed.  The speaker will make its way to the basement and I'll be looking at this ugly thing on and off for the next decade until he finally convinces himself that it's time to let it go . . . And you know what?  It could be worse.  We have relatives (on both sides) that could give lessons in collecting stuff.  I mean, college-level lessons, Pack-Ratting 101.  Sometimes, I have to remind myself of how much worse it could be . . .


  1. That is too funny and I love that you took a photo of it!

  2. funny! it's cute to remember things like this!
    gives insight into personalities!

  3. O.M.G. he MUST be related to my husband. Or maybe its a testosterone feature. We have boxes - (as in lots and lots) of electronic wiring, cords, components, and speakers everywhere; and each and every time I attempt to (uh mm) accidentally take them to the trash/Goodwill/trash - he catches me and points out their value. I gave him an ultimatum that he weeds out the "absolutely can not throw/give away" and the rest is outta here by Spring.

    and don't think I missed the part about how you've already cleared your Laundry room, pantry AND basement. Well now I'm just jealous.

  4. That is a cool-looking speaker. Not cool enough to want to be looking at it for years as it takes up room on a shelf. But pretty cool, nonetheless. Your husband sounds a lot like mine!

  5. I'm in the same situation as you. I live with someone who 'collects'. It makes me crazy.

  6. LOL! I am a pack-rat too. I probably would have brought it home too.

  7. OMG I am really am LOL while reading this. My DH brings home all kinds of in his words "cool stuff" in my words "crap". I am quite the opposite I am a minimalist. I wait till he is not home and toss toss toss.

  8. My dad was the same way! It is a cool speaker, not cool enough to want now, but I bet 6 or 7 years I would have loved to have it ;-D

  9. I am the pack-rat :( wish it wasn't so - but I love stuff!! :)

  10. It could be worse. I am married to his brother and living in Texas where they don't have basements.

  11. That is hilarious. Glad you both can have a sense of humor about it. You would probably die if you came to my house. Several pack rats live here...and I am one of the worst. I've really been trying to mend my ways, but when that trait is ingrained in you, it's hard to give it up! :) But at least I am doing better about not letting stuff in the house in the first place. If you don't let it in, you can't get attached. :)

  12. It must be genetic. My son is taking it to school with him. (At least I don't think it is a plot by Maria to get it out of the house??:)


  13. Ha! But, oh, Maria, that really is a cool looking speaker, and why couldn't the Chief Pack Ratter of my house (aka Doug) have found a good looking speaker like that a few years ago. But NO, he has to have these mammoth sized speakers sitting in our living room with another set of speakers on top of that (and I don't like loud stuff.) After 15 freakin' years of looking at it, I realized that the cords from the speaker didn't go anywhere! Doug finally admitted that they didn't even work, but he was just using them as stands for the top set of speakers. I was so annoyed, I cut the front screen off them, pulled out their innards, and used the inside space to store more of Mr. Pack Rat's stuff.)


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