Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A Cinco de Mayo Taco Night

The Cinco de Mayo gods were lighting the way when my dear in-laws, Robert and Barb, came to visit.  I roasted a pork shoulder to make carnitas, and bought fixings for tacos.

Then, there was the more serious topic of how to set the table.  I don't own, unfortunately, a lot of Talavera ceramic . . .

 . . . except for a couple of candlesticks that we picked up in Cabo San Lucas ten years ago, so they became the inspiration for the table.

I relied, once again, on my Dollar Tree blue water goblets to rescue me by picking up the blue . . .

And on the Sferra sunflower-colored napkins with that gorgeous, brilliant yellow.

And the crowning glory, the multi-colored rose bouquet that looks like something Frida Kahlo might wear in her hair.

I used my trusted Wedgwood Nantucket Basket dishes, to keep it all casual.  I set out a salad dish that I thought might serve as a nice place to set tortillas, but it turned out that we only used the dinner plate.

Here I am with my brother-in-law, Robert . . .

And sister-in-law, Barb . . . I love these people!  Happy Cinco de Mayo!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww!!!!!!!! What a fun celebration to Mark your visit!’s my take on colorful dishes for serving Mexican food: white shoes it off SO MUCH better! Mexican food tends to be a melange of color which often fights with the dish pattern. Colorful napkins and flowers do just the right job to create a festive South of the border environment! That being said...right on! Along with the fabulous food, YOU ROCKED IT!!!!!!

    Glad you guys all had a good time! Have a happy, safe, and peaceful weekend!!!!!!!


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