Monday, March 29, 2021

Immersive Van Gogh

In a rare case of being in the know, while my usual modus operandi is to be a year or two behind, I was able to get tickets to what has fast become the hottest show in town:  Immersive Van Gogh.

I wasn't sure what to expect, or in which ways we would be immersed in Van Gogh's art . . .

And, frankly, neither Van Gogh, nor Impressionists in general are my cup of tea . . .

Though, naturally, I recognize their importance . . .

But the show truly blew me away!

I had never paid close attention to his brush strokes . . . 

Or his frantic use of color . . .

And there were the sunflowers, which I love . . .

And the lovely music, which at one point, inspired a guest to start some yoga poses . . .

The soundtrack was inspired, ranging from classical, to impressionist to the modern French chansons, including the incomparable Edith Piaf and her “ Non, je ne regrette rien. ”

It was marvelous.

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