Sunday, February 14, 2021

A Valentine's Supper with the Other Woman

 The "Other Woman" is no less than my favorite chef, Ina Garten.  

From the moment I woke up that morning, until the magical Blue Hour, it was Ina, Ina, Ina!

I placed a card table in front of our fireplace . . .

Then, a vase of beautiful red roses, a gift from my husband, on the table, 

Plus a few extra touches, like the flatware with the heart-shaped handles . . .

Some Ikat Heart napkins, and . . . 

Voilà!  The table was set for a romantic fireside dinner for two.

Cheese and crackers are an aphrodisiac, yes?  The little cheese heart was stabbed in the center.  Oh, it doesn't seem fair that its death should be our joy!

To balance things out, I also invited Raymond . . .

Oh, if you could only touch the label!  It feels like velvet.  By now, we have amply established that I'm a wine philistine and continue to choose my wine by the label.  Isn't it pretty?  And it was so delicious!

We wanted a light supper tonight, not a heavy meal that would put us to sleep, so Ina Garten's French Onion Soup, in my new Lion's Head soup bowls were just the ticket!  Some of you may remember my waxing lyrical mentioning them during our trip to Paris three years ago. After three years of thinking about them, I caved in and bought them!

Ina's recipe calls for Parmesan cheese "or the cheese of your choice."  I guess there's some debate among foodies about what constitutes the perfect cheese to use on this humble soup, shocking, I know.  I decided to use Gruyère de Compté because it sounded so French, has a nutty flavor, and melts beautifully.  It is French, not Swiss, and it was available at that famous American fromagerie, Chez Costco. 

The onions were cooked, ever so slowly, over several hours before adding the stock, Cognac, sherry and wine - after which I had to go take a shower and change my clothes, so I wouldn't be exuding allium pheromones, that wouldn't be too romantic.

Then, to end the simple supper, Ina Garten's Chocolate Mousse, so very, very rich!  So incredibly delicious!

I whipped the cream myself so I could control the sugar, I don't like overly sweet desserts.  Shave a little chocolate on top, slice a strawberry . . . and prepare for heaven on Earth!

Even in the midst of a pandemic, love, joy and deliciousness can still be found.  Happy Valentine's Day!

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