Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lee on the Grass

This was not the plan.  The plan this summer, after a very hectic 2012, was to kick back, do a little bit of maintenance work, but, for the most part, just relax and enjoy the weather . . . (sigh) . . . the best laid plans of mice and men . . .

Lee bought, what he thought was, weed killer, but the stuff has destroyed our lawn.  Our lawn is currently riddled with patches of dead grass.  Let me put it a different way:  If our lawn was a dog, it would definitely be a dalmatian.  So for the last two months, he has been painstakingly tilling, removing the dead grass and planting grass seed.  He's about half done.

It's been a lot of work, but my husband is the most patient man that walks this Earth.  He is making the tedious job fun!

When Lee and his 6 siblings were growing up, someone was always writing Lee's name on the butter, then blaming him.    It's a running joke within the family, and we now receive notifications by e-mail of new “Lee” sightings.  Clothing, restaurants, gas stations . . . we never know where Lee's name is going to pop up next . . . 

I think he felt the next “Lee” sighting should be closer to home:  He cleared a patch on the lawn, and planted grass seed spelling his name!   Maybe it wasn't his siblings writing on the butter after all . . .


  1. What a funny thing to think to do in the midst of such a daunting project! Good for LEE!! Hahaha!! ~Zuni


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