Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Romancing the home

Little touches of romance can be found everywhere around the house . . .

Turtle dove soaps in the Powder Room . . .  I'll have to remove the pretend straw . . . I was hoping for an egg . . .  What do you think . . . ?

My husband was very happy that I didn't wait for Easter to bring home some jelly beans . . .

For my son and his college buddies, red velvet cupcakes in these darling liners that stay bright even after baking . . .

Mama love . . .

I'm trying out the new heart dishes that I won in Linda's (More Fun Less Laundry) giveaway . . .

The guy I married has an insatiable sweet tooth.  He ate the chocolates Linda sent before I got home!  So I just had to go out and buy some more chocolate . . . Doesn't this bit of cake look just perfect on the new dishes?  Should I share . . . ?

I am so in love with these dishes!  Aren't they fun?

They remind me of a Picasso drawing, except it's done in red, not black . . . and it's not done by Picasso . . . mere details . . .

Linda also included this lovely glass heart ornament.  I tied the yellow ribbon that came with the chocolates as a reminder to my honey that there was a box of chocolates with the package that I didn't even get to see . . .   I rather like the contrast of the orangey-yellow with the red . . . I think I'll keep it like just like this . . .

A glass of cherry juice in honor of George Washington, who has a birthday in February . . .

And there's Oprah all decked out in red for February . . . Is she trying to tell me something . . . ?

The Swarovski swans have come out to play just in time . . .

. . . to remind me that they mate for life and don't let a box of chocolates get in the way of true love . . .


  1. Love those dishes and how sweet to have touches of romance through out the house. Finally (2 days to go) got out some Valentine decorations. In the process I noticed I still have a glass Christmas tree on one of the book shelves - I'm such a holiday delinquent. :)

  2. Wow! I love your February spirit! The dishes are beautiful, and I'm certain that Oprah does NOT mean you :)

  3. I love how you manage the details of your home! So wonderful for your family and for you.

  4. You have the best decor!! love the dishes!

  5. Were those pictures of John and David taken yesterday? It seems like it. The photos are awesome and I want some of those jelly beans.

  6. Yours is certainly a house filled with love! I really like the X and O cupcakes! So cute! And the turtle dove soaps...what a sweet little thing to find in the powder room!!! I see Oprah is doing one of my famous tricks for "cutting myself in half" since I gained all this weight! 90% of pictures I'm in have me peeping out from behind something or someone!!! :-) Have a Happy Valentine's Day, and forgive your husband this one little transgression...as long as he promises it won't happen again! :-)

  7. Hi Maria! Oh no!!! I'm sorry you didn't get any of the chocolates! That chocolatier is gaining in national recognition and is very popular here. I hope the hubby liked them! I don't think you should hold your breath for the egg, although there are some very cute egg soaps around--maybe one of those could find its way into your house, or maybe the easter bunny will tuck one in. I like the cupcake idea. My son is coming home for winter break next week and I know he would love one too. He, like me and my dad, is a chocoholic. You swans are BEAUTIFUL! Happy Valentine's Day! Linda


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