Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Beautiful mess . . .

The Christmas tree was hastily taken down, to be put out on the curb for Garbage Pick Up Day . . .

The tree needles need to be swept up and the furniture moved back to its customary place . . .

Even this messy part of Christmas is enjoyable . . . I get to play with the ornaments one last time as I wrap them and put them away in their boxes . . . I'm not in a rush now . . . I take my time . . . and I smile . . .


  1. What a great attitude about a chore that could be rather inconvenient if you took a different attitude. I like your outlook!

  2. Bless your heart - by the time I start getting the tree down, I just want it to all be over. You, on the other hand, sound like you take a more positive approach - perhaps I need to sip a little adult beverage and kick on some nice relaxing music and take a different avenue to getting rid of all remnants of Christmas next year.

  3. Glad you love the putting away - I love putting it up... not so much the cleaning up after :)

  4. Love your attitude... have fun :)

  5. You have an incredibly upbeat way of approaching the whole mess!!! I try to be positive, but there is just always SO MUCH of it!!! By the time I'm done dismantling one or two trees, I'm over it!!! I finally got mine done a couple of days ago. SO GLAD to see it all put away now. I'm glad you're enjoying the process. Have fun with it!!!

  6. I take my time, too. My more valuable pieces "live" in a closet in the house throughout the year. I'm pretty sure that they hold parties in that closet when we're asleep or away from the house. It's a party all year long in that closet! Cherry Kay

  7. That looks a little like my house. I left the things sitting around ready to be boxed and went out of town. It is still there and I need to get busy and finish. I was glad to see I am not the only one.

  8. Hi Maria, I'm gong to be inspired by you and try to have a good attitude about putting the decor away. The house really looks empty and dragging the boxes up to the attic seems more difficult than bringing them down! I'm thinking about warmer days ahead. It's supposed to get very cold here next week. Linda


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