Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The White Pine Challenge

We have always gotten fresh Christmas trees, but it had been a while since the last time we brought home a white pine.  In the lot is looked so soft and feathery . . .

The tree was actually a foot taller than we could comfortably fit in our living room, so the seller offered to cut about a foot from the base, and get rid of the scraggly branches . . . and then he priced it as a shorter tree!  What can I say, it was irresistible.

But it didn't take very long to remember why we have avoided white pines in the past:  It's hard to hang ornaments from its branches!  Those soft, feathery branches are just that - soft and feathery branches with wimpy stems that don't hold the slightly heavier ornaments very well.  I've lost two of my precious glass ornaments this year when the branches just collapsed and the ornaments crashed on the floor.

This little Santa fellow is slight enough to be safe - at least for now . . . Still, it's such a pretty tree . . .


  1. I can't wait to see a full shot. We went artificial years ago after a disastrous attempt with a tree bulb one year. Don't like how the ornament hangs there, just bend the branch to your liking. Yep, that's how I roll out the tree.

    Sorry, though, about the lost ornaments - that totally stinks!

  2. Beautiful shot! We are artificial tree too - but that is more a financial decision. Paid $300 for a good pre-lit tree 5 years ago, figuring at $75 a tree for fresh trees we weren't thrilled with we've made money on the investment already. Hope to make it last another 5-7 years at least. But I do miss the pine smell (candles don't work as a replacement, we tried).

    Keep those ornaments safe!

  3. I love the smell of the real trees. I found that I am allergic to the real trees but I miss them. I will be also waiting for the full shot of the tree.


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