Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happiness is . . . soft cosmetic wedges . . .

The local stores stopped carrying my favorite cosmetic wedges . . . Why, oh, why does this seem to happen all the time?  We get used to a product and before you know it, it's either discontinued, or the stores stop carrying it, or it just simply vanishes without an explanation . . .

I use a foundation base every day; it evens out my skin tone, and helps moisturize my skin.  And these are the best little sponges I've ever used.  They are so soft, and just the right size.  I spent a year looking for them, while trying out alternative wedges.  I know this sounds silly, I mean, we're talking about cosmetic wedges here, but it's such a small indulgence, and it really made the makeup application so much easier in the mornings . . . 

I'm here to tell you that not all wedges are alike, some are scratchy, some have an unpleasant odor, some are too small, too big, or the shape doesn't fit my hand well . . . some come in a big bulky package, not a flat little bag like this . . .  Yes, I know, I've given this matter wayyy too much thought . . .

After a year of using other brands, I found a wayward package buried in the back of a drawer!  Happy day to me!   I've really missed these little guys . . .

That's it!  If I couldn't find these locally, I'd just have to go online . . . Amazon to the rescue!!!  Why didn't I think of this sooner???  In a few days, I had a bunch of them.  In fact, I may have gone a little overboard . . . It'll take me over a year to go through these . . .  Ahh . . . that's all right . . . I'm happy to have a stash . . .

Happiness is the little things in life . . . like soft cosmetic wedges . . .


  1. LOL! Wow! That's a lot of wedges! But, if you're like me, you don't like change, and if there's something I like, than that's what I want!

    By the way, thanks for your thought on my blog, but truly, the MOST important thing was that my camera was fine :)

  2. i know this feeling all too well.. amazon to the rescue. Neutrogena foot cream. by the time I run around or call around, I order it, it arrives on my doorstop.. xo marlis

  3. What did we do before Amazon? Looks like you should be set for awhile.

  4. When you love a product it is so hard to do without!

  5. It is aggravating when you get used to a product and it is not available anymore. I feel your frustration.

  6. Amazon is my go-to place for everything! You are just too funny with these wedges! But they are popular. I had a facial a few days ago and the cosmetician was tsk-tsking at my makeup routine. Have a wonderful Easter week. Linda


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