Sunday, December 4, 2011


No . . . No . . . I didn't mean it! . . . It's just a little holiday stress! . . .  Please don't banish me from your store!  I'm usually a very sane sort of human . . . perfectly rational most of the time . . . until I enter your premises . . . especially at Christmas time . . . with your wrapping papers . . . when I completely lose my head!  All those choices!  Do I want traditional?  Modern?  Crafty?  Religious?  Do I want snowflakes?  Penguins?  Owls . . . ?  How about this beautiful green . . . ?  But I did green last year . . . Didn't I already decide before I stepped in the store that I was going to go with my red tablecloth for Christmas Eve, and I came exclusively to find wrapping paper for the little favors that go on the table?  Maria, you are not doing a Woodland Christmas this year!  You did that a couple of years ago!  Get away from the owls!   I don't care how cute they are!  And, no, you are not celebrating Hannukah!  You are NOT, repeat, NOT going to get paper with Hannukah candles or menorahs . . . !  

Your store clerk was so helpful . . . I told her that my theme this year was going to be “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” . . . She showed me every Santa paper you had in stock . . . until I fell in love . . .

"Working Santa" was the name on this roll . . . right for the theme . . .

I could get matching tissue paper . . .

Perfect for a little box, and it looks nice against the red napkins . . .

But now I'm thinking that these Santas are so cute and little . . . maybe I'll change the theme to “A Merry Little Christmas” . . . And that sort of ties in to the mini desserts table that I'm planning . . .   See what you've started?


  1. I have hit the point of 'clear out the closet of wrapping paper' theme this year (but the working Santa is certainly cute).

  2. I always say I'm not going to buy new paper because I have plenty. That's what I always say...but doing is a whole 'nother story. ;)

  3. Cute choice in paper. Now I feel the need to buy wrapping paper instead of stuffing everything into bags.

  4. LOL! Love the Container Store - went for the first time this Fall in NY and can't wait to go back! Love the paper you chose and can't wait to see your table!

  5. That cracked me up!! You made a cute choice :)

  6. Choices. You seems to make the right ones.

  7. Oh, I am the SAME way at the Container Store when they put out the Christmas wrap! TOO many decisions! I'd like to have a whole room devoted to wrapping supplies, wouldn't you?


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