Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ghosts of Christmas 2000

Fun at Woodfield Mall

The Children's Table on Christmas Eve - This was the year that Ty released their Chinese Zodiac Beanie Babies.  The Chinese takeout boxes held each child's corresponding Zodiac Beanie and a miniature Chinese Zodiac book.  Chopsticks were placed on top of each napkin.  I remember we bought the boxes from our local Chinese restaurant - they were not available everywhere like they are now . . .
This was the year Martha Stewart showed us how to make gum drop Christmas trees . . .

 . . . and gum drop wreaths . . . 
  And on the adult table, my mother's Poinsettia tablecloth reigned supreme . . .


  1. Gorgeous table as always!! And love the wreaths!

  2. I have that picture of the boys tucked away somewhere. So cute! I have Martha Stewart on everyday while I am working. She has so many great ideas.

  3. I loved seeing this.. what a wonderful blast from the past!!! Your mom's tablecloth is fabulous.. what a pretty pretty table.. Merry Christmas, xo marlis

  4. Love your visit back to 2000 - and man, do I remember the Martha Stewart crafts (she was the bomb diggity then). Lovely table as always, and how exciting to find the Beanie Babies in the Chinese take-out boxes - very crafty idea.


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