Saturday, July 23, 2011

Crochet . . . organize . . . unravel . . . repeat . . .

I won't show the crocheting project today . . . it's too depressing . . . I've started over twice, unraveled rows several times . . . my neck hurts . . . I have a cramp in my left hand . . .  I had to do something else . . .  Let's see . . . 

Oh, yes, I'll restack the plastic bags in the cabinet . . .  It's one of those pesky jobs that needs to be done . . . like NEVER!

And by the way, those yellow cardstock sheets taped to the bottom of the cabinet were put there by my son who's into feng shui . . .  I have no idea what it means, but I'll have to ask him about balancing my chi to see if the crocheting improves . . .


  1. I know how you feel! I am just learning to knit and my project (a scarf) has had a lot of "start overs" so far. :-( Maybe I'll have something ready by the time it starts to get cold.

  2. So laughing with you.. because crying is just not acceptable over crocheting. I saw your lovely cable below.. you got it. it's going to be a lovely throw. I laughed when I read about making it for less.. Let me know what you find out about the feng shui for crocheting ;-) xo marlis

  3. If you crochet I'm impressed.........I could never do that. I love it and think its so beautiful..........What a great hobby! Thanks for your visit

    The French Hutch

  4. hold the presses - no one is awestruck by folded and stacked bags? I have wild and crazy dreams of well organized cabinets - but they are confined to my dreams. feng shui or not, I am impressed. As for the crocheting - it will come, in the mean time, the little imperfections are the signs of 'made with love'.

    Thank you for your comments on my blog. I was shocked my daughter picked a quilt. Deep within she has an old soul and was actually worried it might make her appear fuddy-duddy to the other girls, but when we saw a similar pattern in a college dorm comforter - she realized her taste wasn't too far off the beaten path - and the quilt was much nicer.

  5. ummmmm ya...folded plastic bags? are we talking grocery bags? okay I am bowing to the queen of organization! My plastic bags are stuffed in a corner falling on the floor with each movement or hint of movement!!
    Send your son to my house please......I need feng shui!!!

    Crochet! I love it and have to start and stop and unravel, now I just make granny squares! Lot less to unravel if I mess up! ;) lol


  6. eeek! - what happened to "Look, my darling, that's July" post. It gives a little tease on my 'dashboard' and then 'poof!', nothing. but your music choice is wonderful - absolutely wonderful. Today's kids have no idea of music that is timeless.

    hahaha! about the cat on my post. that cat is the cat that wasn't supposed to be, and he owns us now. the picture was a hip shot and luck catch mid yawn.


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