Monday, December 6, 2010

Resistance is futile . . .

Sometimes Mother Nature feels like the "Borg" - the alien race from Star Trek:  The Next Generation, intent on assimilating individual intergalactic species into a single collective.  Anyone who fought was told:  "Resistance is futile."  So, unlike those fearless trekkies, I surrender:  Winter is here . . .  This was the view from my bedroom window on Saturday morning. 


  1. I'm cold just looking at those pictures. That is the part of the north I don't miss. Nice photos.

  2. Even with the snow and cold, it's a lovely view! Great captures!

  3. We too had snow this weekend and the kind I like - covered the trees and fields, but left the roads alone. With the first blush of snow the kids become meteorologists and each night give a forecast of bad roads and school delays. As they headed out for the bus I encouraged them to keep their day job. lol!

  4. If the view from my window looked like that than I'd turn around and get back in bed lol! Beautiful captures!


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