Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways . . .

My roasted red peppers have a supporting role in this personal favorite: Arroz con Pollo (Yellow Rice with Chicken) . . .

This is a very traditional Cuban dish, brought over to the New World from Spain. It's been called a poor man's paella, because there's no seafood in it. I call it sublime comfort food.

My version calls for adding golden raisins to the cooking liquid, and serving with sliced lemons or limes . . . and don't forget the red peppers. Must have red peppers . . .


  1. I'll have dinner at your house any day! Looks fabulous!!

  2. This looks really good! And there's something about red peppers that are so much better than green. Besides, they're much prettier to photograph!

  3. Arroz con pollo, que rico! Por acá lo hacemos verde.


  4. How beautiful this all looks Maria! All of your food looks so good as well. Yum-O! :)


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