Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dianna's Graduation

We drove to Minnesota on Memorial Day Weekend to attend the college graduation of our niece, Dianna. Dianna is as smart as she is beautiful. She graduated magna cum laude. I couldn't be more proud if she were my own daughter. Here she is with her dad, Doug.

I love her smile . . .

Doug and Angela are Dianna's parents. Angela is, technically, my husband Lee's sister, but she and Doug are also mine. I love these people very, very much, and, I also happen to like them very, very much. They are a kind, thoughtful and loving couple. When we get together, which is not frequently enough to suit me, it seems we can pick up the conversation where we left off, as though we have never spent time apart.

Angela is one of the most talented and energetic women I know. In the midst of preparing for a hectic graduation weekend, far from her own home, she managed to carve out time to bake cupcakes for my son David's birthday. And not just any ol' cupcakes, but incredibly delicious chocolate cupcakes that oozed a silky chocolate ganache from its center. She even brought a cupcake tree to display them. I shamelessly lifted the photo below straight from her blog . . .

Then! . . . She also made biscotti . . . THREE DIFFERENT KINDS!!! I was in heaven.

We also got to spend a little time with Brian, Dianna's brother. He's such a handsome guy!

And this crazy aunt really tested his patience, what, with her sticking her camera in his face every time he turned around . . .

This family is seriously into photography, so picture-taking was definitely part of the entertainment. In the days to come I'll be posting more photos from this wonderful family event.


  1. Is this OUR Angela?! What a beautiful family. And a BEAUTIFUL daughter! Congrats on her success!

  2. What a lovely girl! I had no idea you are related to Angela. I can only imagine the photographing that ensues when the two of you are together!

  3. Fun! Don't you love it when family and friendship go hand in hand?

  4. Looks like a fun time was had by all!

  5. What a great get-together! Didn't know you were related to Angela either!!

  6. Beautiful and smart girl!! Looks like a lovely get time.

  7. How cool that you and Angela are related! Your so lucky to have such wonderful family. It looks like a great time!

  8. I'm late to the party - but how proud Angela and Doug must be (and you too Auntie). Congratulations!

  9. Oh, Maria, you are so kind! And you know the feelings are mutual, I hope! I love these photos, and I'm so impressed you actually captured SMILES on Brian and Dianna. . . I am so much more likely to be "blessed" with scowls, and stink-eye when I aim my camera at B and/or D. Doug and I are just getting back home, after another serious weekend of moving furniture and "ground support" for our little clan. I'm hoping to catch up with photos and blogging soon. But thank you posting these sweet, wonderful, photos, and kind words!


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