Sunday, January 10, 2010

Soup weather . . . Family weather

Here's one way to ward off the chilly weather: Family game night and a pot of soup! My sister-in-law, Mary Ann, and her family came over for a post-holiday get-together.

In this first shot are Joy, my niece, Lee, my husband (who is not mad at anybody despite the body language), Andy, my nephew and Bill, my brother-in-law.

They don't live very far from us, but with our busy schedules, months go by without our seeing them. Here's a close-up of cutie-pie Andy.

We played a game called "Apples to Apples" and had a blast watching those kids come up with the funniest answers. And, of course, this troupe loves electronics, and whenever they come over, they bring some of the latest gadgets that have entered their lives. In this next shot: My son, John, my niece, Joy, and a profile photo of Mary Ann.

The mop that shows up next to my son, John, was unfortunately needed to dry the floor because of the leak coming from the ceiling. We think ice plugged one of our gutters and water re-routed into the house. My poor husband already has his first spring job lined up.

Joy has gotten so tall! We stood barefoot, back-to-back, and she's only a smidgen shorter than me. In the next photo are Joy, Mary Ann, my son, David and moi.

Mary Ann has the most infectious laugh, and I think Joy's laugh is beginning to sound just like her mom's. I was smiling simply from the sheer enjoyment of listening to the two of them.

A nice way to start the new year . . .


  1. Nice to see the pictures of Mary Ann's family. The kids really do look like they have grown. It sounds like you had a great evening.

    I love David's hair cut!

  2. Looks like yall had a great time!

  3. We love apples to apples! Such a fun game! :)

  4. Oh, I love Apples to Apples! It's so much fun playing in a big group, too. Looks like you all had a fun night.

  5. Soup and games sound perfect on a cold winter's night! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  6. We are an Apples to Apples family too! Lots of fun - great shots!

  7. That is the best part of winter - getting together and soup. Thank you for sharing. (and, if people went from body language - my husband would always be angry and I frequently adopt the "Peter Pan" pose with hands on hips - tehehe!)

  8. What a great way to spend a winter night.

  9. Sounds like a fun and lively evening!

  10. Great photos of great times. That is priceless!


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