Monday, January 25, 2010

My pink birthday card and some feng shui help . . .

I usually prefer an uncluttered refrigerator door, but I couldn't resist putting up the card that my boys got me for my birthday.
And then, my son John said I needed a feng shui cure in the "Fame" section of my cubicle at work. Apparently, I needed to introduce more red into the area. Now, I have a bling-y red sign that proclaims how fabulous I am, just in case anyone had any doubt . . .

It's so nice to have a feng shui expert in the family . . .


  1. I love it... you definately don't want anyone doubting your fabulous-ness! :) :)

  2. Happy Birthday! You have such smart sons! I really like the addition of the red bling to your office. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my nook; it's certainly prompted more reading on my part!

  3. Happy Birthday! And I love that is simply fabulous! Your sons sound like keepers! :)

  4. Happy Birthday gal! How dear of your boys and love the feng shui.

  5. Happy birthday - love the card!

  6. Love the card! Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy belated birthday! Love the card and the bling.


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