Saturday, October 17, 2009

Creepy and Spooky

Creepy and Spooky perch themselves on the fireplace mantle every October, and, when not busy quarreling with each other, they share snippy gossip about the goings on in this household. Creepy thinks that the lady of the house could use a little help with her hair color, it's just too ordinary, for goodness sake! And, who does she think she's fooling with those highlights? She may as well go for something bold, something more purplish!

Spooky, meanwhile, just grins ear-to-ear whenever the husband walks by, shaking his head and muttering about bathtubs. He's so happy that he just gets to sit and enjoy the view and not have to worry about home remodeling!

And then there are the two sons, but one is away at college and the second one is hardly ever about, what with school and work . . . There sure was a lot more action around here when they were younger . . .

Of course, there was a little excitement last week when some mice tried to take up residence for the winter. The family was not amused by their audacity and promptly put a stop to their nocturnal wonderings. John, Paul, Ringo and George had no finesse and they quickly fell into the trap one by one.

Ahh . . . There goes the husband again . . . Still grumbling about that bathtub . . .


  1. They really do talk when you are not around.

  2. You know if you name the mice you have to keep them

  3. Not mice! What are you going to do????? I think I shall send Cedar Waxwings to protect you!


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