Friday, September 25, 2009

Harvest Season musings . . .

Rain and cooler weather is expected this weekend. Good weather to catch up on laundry and household chores . . . and maybe start reading the new Dan Brown book . . . And I have three Oprah shows taped on my DVR . . . Do I really care about McKenzie Phillips incestuous relationship with her father? . . . Stop by the cell phone store to add text messaging to our cell phone package . . . More laundry . . . Will Lee tear up the ceiling in the kitchen to fix the leak in the upstairs bathroom? Again? Will he be done by Christmas? . . . Baked chicken for dinner tomorrow . . . should I marinate it tonight? Then there's filing . . . There's always filing . . . But this for sure: I will stop and listen to the rain when it comes and relish the sounds it makes when it hits the skylights . . . I love that sound.


  1. I miss that sound. It is very relaxing.

  2. Me too! I love the sound of the rain on the skylight. Your weekend sound relaxing and the wreath on the door is beautiful!


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